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I love teaching and helping people with their writing projects.

Spring 2025 Availability

I'll be attending these Upcoming Events

May 23 - 26
WisCon -  a feminist science fiction & fantasy convention
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     Hello everybody! For over twenty-five years I've nurtured children, teens, and college students, giving them individual attention to ignite their creative spark.  I believe in asking students to think for themselves. In return, I aim to provide them with fascinating classes ruled by kindness and creativity. 

     If you're looking for creative writing workshops with all kinds of science fiction and fantasy flavors, or interesting classes on octopuses, monsters, vikings, and witches, please look at my classes page. I also teach adults and teens how to take their writing to the next level--especially those who want to tackle longer creative projects--i.e. a novella, book, or thesis.  

     I have an MFA from Syracuse University where I was a University Fellow, and BA from Smith College where I won many prizes in fiction and playwriting. I'm also a published fiction author with a background in analytic philosophy. I've taught critical thinking skills & rhetoric at Hampden Sydney College, Longwood University, and Syracuse University, as well as workshops on time management, organizing, and study skills at Smith College. I've studied fiction writing with truly amazing instructors, including: George Saunders, Amy Hempel, Mary Caponegro, Arthur Flowers, Chris Kennedy, Dean Albarelli, and Farnoosh Moshiri. I've studied screenplay writing with Richard Dubin and Tom Seeley, and playwriting with Len Berkman.

     I live in Virginia, where I love gardening, sculling, mountain biking, fostering parakeets for the local SPCA and baking vegan goodies.

     Please feel free to email me with questions or your interests at

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